The West Sussex JSNA is not a single document or piece of analysis but encompasses a huge range of work, including detailed needs assessments relating to specific subjects or communities, evaluations of new local programmes or activities, local surveys and a range of briefings and ad hoc analyses.

The volume of data, the frequency information is refreshed and the breadth of subjects covered can make the process of identifying issues and priorities a considerable challenge. Therefore to support the development of the West Sussex Health and Wellbeing Strategy and to, hopefully, provide a clear summary of population-level health, we have moved to producing a set of smaller “bite-sized” products.

  • This summary is a brief run through of the health and wellbeing issues at county level. It will be updated annually.
  • Infographics at county and District and Borough level relating to needs and assets.
  • A summary of “voice”. This will provide a brief overview of the main public, patient and service user engagement exercises over the last year. This will be jointly produced with Healthwatch, and again will be annual.
  • Datasets relating to children and young people and older people.

Throughout this summary there are indicators that are part of different outcome frameworks.

  • Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF)
  • Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF)
  • NHS England Outcomes Framework (NHS OF)
  • CCG Outcome Indicator Set (CCGOIS)

These indicators change frequently, so footnotes provide background detail, the outcome reference etc. We have also noted measures which are targets in the County Council’s West Sussex Plan (2017-2022).

This summary is split into four sections:

  • an overall section on environment, population , assets and wealth/poverty
  • a section on each broad lifestage:- childhood (start well), working age (living well) and older age (ageing well).


Main document

West Sussex JSNA Summary 2018 (PDF, 3.3Mb)

People and challenges infographics

