The West Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board has now published its new Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019 – 2024: Start Well, Live Well, Age Well (JHWS). The strategy sets out the Health and Wellbeing Board’s vision, goals and ways in which it will work to improve the health and wellbeing for all residents in West Sussex. It was developed in consultation and collaboration with local residents, service users, multi-disciplinary professionals and partners. It draws on evidence of West Sussex’s health and wellbeing needs from the joint strategic needs assessment (JSNA).

The JHWS is not a stand-alone document, but sets the direction of travel for health and social care services in West Sussex. Decision makers, commissioners and service providers across the County Council, CCGs, NHS Trusts, district and borough councils, the voluntary sector and other partners are expected to consider the JHWS when planning, commissioning and providing services that impact on health and wellbeing.

The JHWS identifies the following goals to meet the health and wellbeing needs of the residents of West Sussex:

Starting Well

  • Improved infant and maternal outcomes especially in deprived areas
  • Children, young people and families have good emotional wellbeing and mental health
  • Children grow in a safe and healthy home environment with supportive and nurturing parents and carers
  • Children and young people leaving care are healthy and independent

Living and Working Well

  • Individuals, families, friends and communities are connected
  • People are able to look after their own health and wellbeing
  • People have access to good quality homes providing a secure place to thrive and promote good health, wellbeing and independent living
  • People live, work and play in environments that promote health and wellbeing

Ageing Well

  • Fewer people feel lonely or socially isolated
  • Older adults stay healthier, happier and independent for longer
  • There is a reduction in the number of older people having falls
  • People receive good quality end of life care and have a good death

The strategy and supporting documents can be downloaded below. Further information about the West Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board is also available on its website.

Update: Cost of Living Pressures Addendum

This Cost of Living Pressures Addendum to the West Sussex Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019-2024 describes the high-level collaborative approach to tackling cost of living pressures across West Sussex and addressing some potential negative impacts on our local population’s health and wellbeing. The addendum includes a review of evidence (as at November 2022).

In summary, this Addendum:

  • Describes cost of living pressures as they relate to our local population
  • Considers the high level potential impacts to our population’s health and wellbeing
  • Describes the approach and principles to address the cost of living pressures locally


