Understanding & Reducing Drug Demand in West Sussex
We have undertaken research to learn more about the drivers and implications of drug demand in West Sussex.
We have undertaken research to learn more about the drivers and implications of drug demand in West Sussex.
This rapid literature review provides an up-to-date overview of current evidence around health and healthcare inequalities for people experiencing homelessne...
A new 2024/25 edition of the JSNA summary, which assesses the county’s health and wellbeing needs, issues and assets.
This report explores risks factors and vulnerabilities amongst people who died whilst homeless or with a housing support need in West Sussex over a three-yea...
This all-age needs assessment offers a comprehensive analysis and insight into the current and future mental health and wellbeing needs of our local populati...
The third report in a Health Equity Audit series of briefings exploring alcohol consumption and uptake of alcohol misuse services in West Sussex is available...
The West Sussex Suicide Prevention Framework and Action Plan for 2023-27 sets out how key partners in West Sussex will work together to reduce the risk of su...
This report forecasts future co-morbidity prevalence and dependency of older people from 2022 to 2035 by applying findings from a UK study to the local popul...
West Sussex Integrated community team (ICT) profiles. Summary information on demographics and key health and wellbeing indicators.
The first two reports in a Health Equity Audit series of briefings exploring alcohol consumption and uptake of alcohol misuse services in West Sussex are ava...
The first three in a series of briefings derived from data in the 2021 Census are available now. These describe various aspects of the West Sussex population.
These data packs form part of the JSNA and include information on population and population characteristics, the major disease burden in West Sussex, depriva...
A new 2022 edition of the JSNA summary, which assesses the county’s health and wellbeing needs, issues and assets.
The Director of Public Health’s independent annual report and its focus on the pandemic response across West Sussex.
This needs assessment is a summary of the sight loss pathway and the provision of low vision services.
We have undertaken research to learn more about the drivers and implications of drug demand on the small coastal town of Bognor Regis in West Sussex.
Assessing the county’s health and wellbeing needs, issues and assets.
We have undertaken research to learn more about substance misuse in West Sussex.
Launch of the new three year strategy, which aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people with dementia, and their family and friend carers, in West Su...
This year’s Annual Public Health Report explores the relationship between work and health.
A set of posters displaying our work progressing the Health and Wellbeing Board’s priorities.
The indices of multiple deprivation for LSOAs West Sussex, updated for 2019.
We have undertaken research to understand more about deaths from drug poisoning in West Sussex.
We have undertaken research to learn more about self-harm in West Sussex.
Updates and improvements we’re making to the website.
We have undertaken research to learn more about children and young people’s mental health.
This document sets out the vision of the Health and Wellbeing Board, its goals and the ways in which it will work to improve the health and wellbeing for all...
Assessing the county’s health and wellbeing needs, issues and assets.
An outline of the community voice and engagement activities carried out by the strategic partners of the Health and Wellbeing Board.
The West Sussex Child Health Profile 2018 summarises the health and wellbeing of children (aged 0 to 19/24 years) in West Sussex.
The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) is an annual record of the height and weight of primary school children in reception and year 6. This briefin...
This needs assessment considers the sexual health needs of people living in West Sussex
This year’s Annual Public Health Report outlines a joined up approach to health and wellbeing across the public, voluntary, community and private sector to p...
The aim of this document is to inform the Director of Public Health and the Health and Wellbeing Board about the scale and impact of air quality in West Suss...
The West Sussex Oral Health Needs Assessment for Children and Young People is now complete.
We’d appreciate comments on this draft of the West Sussex Oral Health Needs Assessment.
West Sussex’s Health and Wellbeing Board has now published its findings and recommendations on pharmaceutical service provision across the County. The Pharma...
In late 2015 OFSTED conducted an inspection of services for children in need of help and protection, children looked after and care leavers, and a review of ...
What is a PNA?
Suicide is the biggest killer of men aged 49 and under and the leading cause of death in people aged 20–34 years in the UK.
Thank you for taking the time to visit the West Sussex Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) survey page. The PNA looks at the current and future pharmaceuti...
As a population we’re living longer but spending more years in poor health and in need of health and social care services. Tobacco−free living helps people l...
NHS Digital have released the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) results for the 2015/16 school year.
The West Sussex Public Health and Social Research Unit have now completed the annual population profiles (formerly data packs) for the three Clinical Commiss...
A good start in life is fundamental to lay the foundations for good health and wellbeing in later life. Investment in well-designed, targeted early years’ in...
Using data from the National Diet and Nutrition Survey, the ‘Food, income and education’ graphic illustrates how UK food consumption varies for population gr...
NICE has produced Public Health guidance on the handling of domestic violence and abuse by a range of health and social care professionals.