
The tools on this page have been produced by the Public Health and Social Research Unit to help others to explore data further or to enhance their own datasets. Click on the links below to access the tools.

For more information on the tools provided please contact the Public Health and Social Research Unit.


Postcode Lookup Tool

Date added: 01/07/2016

A Postcode Lookup Tool has been created to allow users to match a set of inputted postcodes to a range of geographies (e.g. LSOA, ward, district, CCG boundaries) as well as information around deprivation, which has been collated from various secondary sources. This file contains approximately 59,000 postcodes in the West Sussex area and was last updated in June 2016.

Please note: postcodes and other boundaries change regularly and as a result some postcodes may be not be the most up to date, and some postcodes may be missing or terminated. As such the tool should be used with these caveats in mind.

Postcode Lookup Tool, Excel Spreadsheet.

Adult health, disabilities and mental health projections

Date added: 01/02/2017

This workbook has been drafted to adapt the Projecting Adult Needs and Service Information (PANSI) model developed by the Institute of Public Care (commissioned by the Department of Health). This resource brought together the various research and prevalence assumptions relating to health and social care needs of working age adults (in this work in the main referring to 18-64 year olds). This has been locally adapted to use WSCC population projections are used (as opposed to ONS projections).

Adult health, disabilities and mental health projections, Excel Spreadsheet.

Adult health, disabilities and mental health projections for older people

Date added: 01/02/2017

This workbook has been drafted to adapt the Projecting Older People Population Information System (POPPI) model developed by the Institute of Public Care (commissioned by the Department of Health). This resource brings together various prevalence assumptions relating to health and social care needs of older people – people aged 65 years or over. There is a corresponding model for working aged adults called PANSI. This has been locally adapted to use WSCC population projections are used (as opposed to ONS projections).

Adult health, disabilities and mental health projections for older people, Excel Spreadsheet.

Please note: we are currently updating the West Sussex JSNA site so please check back soon for updates.
