This page contains information on the West Sussex Joint Dementia Strategy, and other data sets and documents related to dementia in West Sussex.

West Sussex Joint Dementia Strategy (2020 – 2023)

The West Sussex Joint Dementia Strategy (2020 - 2023) has been developed in partnership with the NHS West Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), Social Care, District and Borough Councils, and Community and Voluntary providers, and includes direct input from people with the lived experience of dementia.

The strategy, launched in September 2020 and running for three years, aims to improve the health and wellbeing of local people and to support those who develop dementia to maintain their independence and enjoy a good quality of life for as long as possible.


In 2018, a full review of the Dementia Framework West Sussex (2014 - 2019), led by WSCC and the three West Sussex CCGs, took place. This review, which included public engagement with around 400 different people and organisations, showed that there had been good progress made in the last five years but much is left to do to improve the experience of people living with dementia and their families.

Building on the progress of the Dementia Framework West Sussex (2014 - 2019) – which includes a rise in diagnosis rate, the offer of support for people living with dementia and their carers, and the development of dementia friendly communities – the refreshed Joint Dementia Strategy (2020 - 2023) lays out the action plan for the next three years.


The goals of the Joint Dementia Strategy are based on the Dementia Well Pathway, which is a five-year transformation implementation plan addressing the five elements outlined in the Prime Minister’s Challenge on Dementia:

  1. Preventing Well – minimising the risk of dementia.

  2. Diagnosing Well – giving timely and accurate diagnosis, care plan and review within the first year.

  3. Supporting Well – providing safe and high-quality health & social care for people with dementia and carers.

  4. Living Well – enabling people to live well in safe and accepting communities.

  5. Dying Well – helping people to die with dignity in the place of their choosing.

These goals reflect the breadth of the experience of people with dementia, and their families and carers, from prevention to end of life care, and puts the individual and their family and friend carers at the centre of service development and implementation.

Understanding the challenges

There are four main challenges faced in West Sussex:

  • An ageing population – Although dementia is not a natural part of growing older, it is more prevalent in people over the age of 65. In 2020, it was estimated that 13,870 people have dementia in West Sussex; by 2030, this figure is estimated to rise to 17,400 people. Older people are also more likely to have other significant and life limiting chronic conditions, putting a huge demand on capacity within services.
65+ Population with dementia: estimates by ward. Based on ONS mid-2018 population estimates combined with Dementia UK prevalence estimates
  • Timely diagnosis and support – There can be long waits for diagnosis and there are particular issues for younger people, people with learning disabilities and people from black, ethnic and minority (BAME) groups.

  • A consistent offer of information and advice and support – Information, advice and support is normally provided at diagnosis; this should extend to every stage in a person’s journey.

  • Challenges within the care market – These include recruiting and retaining health and social care staff who are skilled in delivering good quality dementia care, and reductions in the number of care home beds registered to support people with dementia.

We know people living with dementia face a variety of challenges and have a range of needs, and that the range of support for people with dementia is patchy; people often get lost trying to navigate an array of information and services. To achieve the vision set out within the Joint Dementia Strategy, it is key that organisations work together to collectively transform the approach to dementia in West Sussex.

A Dementia Partnership Group, comprising statutory and voluntary and community sector organisations, will be formed and will work together to ensure that people living with dementia, and family and friend carers, have a good experience of living with dementia in West Sussex.

This document represents the combined views of many partners, each of whom is committed to working together to make life better for people affected by dementia. The primary audience for the strategy is the West Sussex Health & Wellbeing Board, local leaders, officers, commissioners and providers responsible for its delivery. However, care has been taken to make the strategy as accessible as possible for residents, staff and partners, to aid understanding of priorities and how all partners can contribute to them.


Plain text accessible versions of these files, that are compatible with screen readers, are available for download below:


This information was updated in August 2023 to reflect changing prevalence estimates.

Dementia Prevalence


Dementia prevalence estimates by district and year

Date added: 27/06/2014

Estimates of the prevalence of various types of dementia by district, every year between 2018 and 2043.

Dementia prevalence estimates by district and year, Excel Spreadsheet.
